
Sunday, September 29, 2019

 Using my wonderful paper from X-Press and the best colored pencils from Prismacolor, I made my first non-digital drawing of Bumblebee!

Outline with new Micron pen!

Colored inside.


Cosplay #3

While I was waiting for my mom to show me how to make the vest, I decided to finish one of the elements of the cosplay that I knew I could tackle by myself. I managed to make four bags, that actually are very nice looking, in my opinion. The outside material is a softer cotton while the inside was meant to be for the vest, but ended up being too hard to work with, so we are substituting it with a cotton bed sheet (another post for that will come later).Here are some pictures of my progress!

Here are all the pieces that I used
as a template for all four of the bags.

First sewn bag, outside with decorations.
First sewn bag, inside.

All bags fully finished!

 I tried to make some cinnamon buns from a Binging with Babish episode :

I think I messed them up, but they were very soft and delicious! The only difference between mine and his are that I used cake flour on accident, so the dough was extremely soft and sticky, which just resulted in the most pillowly and fluffy rolls I have ever eaten.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

I want this on a shirt.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cosplay Post #2

Post #2 in my ongoing adventure. This time (with help from Mom <3) I finished sewing the shirt together and completely finished the mask in one day. I attached Velcro to the back of it so that I can adjust the size and easily take it off of my face without removing my wig and other components. It fit surprisingly well and all that is left to do is finish it off with a special machine that my mom bought (Thank you!!!) called a "thread serger". I spent a good 30 minutes admiring how amazingly smooth it ran and how it cuts the fabric in PERFECTLY. STRAIGHT. LINES.

Here is the link to the video I used for the mask sewing pattern: Link

This is the link to the machine we bought: Link

Here is the shirt fully cut out, with the individual components ready for sewing.
Here is the finished/sewn shirt.
Thank you mom for buying a specialized machine for the ends!

I forgot to take pictures of the mask in-the-making, but the finished product should suffice.

Here are some pictures of how it looks on a person.
I love editing.

When my computer works vs when it does not want to cooperate at all.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

I am very obsessed with Halloween.  
(o o) boo!
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